Educational Trip

Museums are fantastic places to learn about our ancestors’ lives, and broaden our horizons.
Our students of Grade VI – VIII had the opportunity to visit the Egmore museum to learn new things and relate it to whatever they have learnt so far and gained knowledge. On the whole it was a fulfilled experience right from the travel to the museum, visiting the museum and playing games throughout the journey.
One the way back children also saw the famous and important buildings in Chennai like the Rippon building, Napier bridge, Chennai Collectorate etc. On the whole it was a fun-filled and joyful day where they learnt a lot more beyond the books.
#trips #educationaltrip #studentstrips #travel #studytrip #bridge #chennai #famousspots #touristplace #tourism #museum #vintage
#ancestors #travellearning #aaps #aapsschool #cbseschool

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